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international school in Tokyo

Supporting families in their educational journey from preschool to university both here in Japan and worldwide

Find the right educational support from preschool to university

Looking for educational support for your child? ISA-Tokyo can help you. We are a service that assists parents, both native and ex-pat, in finding the best international school, boarding school, overseas university or study abroad program both here in Japan and worldwide.


Supporting You

We offer a range of services from help with school selection and admissions to academic assessment.

University/College Admissions

Supporting Your Child

We offer a range of services from help with university/college selection and admissions to academic assessment.

Global Membership

Knowledge and Insight

Our membership packages are for those wishing to increase their understanding of education in general, and international education more specifically. 

Knowledge is Power

Supporting your child’s educational journey can be daunting and complex. Education is constantly changing and sometimes, it can be hard to keep up. However with our help, you have a one-stop service to all the information, materials and support that you need, saving you time and effort and increasing your child’s chance of success.

Let us support, explain, and simplify your educational journey.

Upcoming Open Days

Visit our Open Days page to see more.

Why Us?


We are experienced both in the education sector and in the field of finding the right international school as parents


We are knowledgeable about the types of curricula on offer in international schools and how these suit different children.


We have a passion for education and love helping families become engaged in their own children’s learning.

International School Advisory – Tokyo